Friday, December 14, 2012

Nine Weeks to Go!

Today we had an appointment to check on Clara so we decided to make a day of it. We went to the appointment which went great! Clara has turned head down and her estimated weight is 3 pounds 8 ounces, right on track with her due date. It's hard to believe we've only got about 9 weeks to go before we meet her! She is getting some chubby cheeks!  Here's our new pictures!

We then went and ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries (YUM!!!) and got some more Christmas shopping done. (I may have found some cute shoes on clearance for me, yay!) We ended the day by going to watch The Hobbit. It was a good movie but not up to par with the Lord of the Rings trilogy yet.

It was a great day for us, although we are heartbroken with the tragedy that happened today with the children and teachers who were killed. We have lost a child and it is devastating, but I can't even begin to imagine losing a child that way. Our prayers go to those families.

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